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Sobriety Clock
Michael Tiffany
According to the US National Institute on DrugAbuse, the rate of relapse for drug and alcohol abuse as almost 66%within the first twelve months of sobriety. However the longer onestays clean and sober, the more likely one is to remain clean andsober. By the time someone has been sober for 3 years, the rate ofrelapse drops to 33%. By five years, rate of relapse falls to lessthan 15%. Source:(http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/addiction-science/relapse/extended-abstinence-predictive-sustained-recovery)Anyone who has struggled with drug or alcohol abuse knows thatsobriety is hard-won. Even though some moments are easier thanothers, every second, minute, hour, day, week, month, and year is avictory, and you ought to remind yourself of that accomplishmentevery now and then; just how long you've been sober, and just howmuch every second of that time is worth. None of it should be takenfor granted.And sometimes, no matter how much or how little time you've beensober, some moments are harder than others to get through, (asurprise urge to go out can happen to anyone), and this simplelittle clock can remind you of how far you've come, and how far youcan yet go, if only you just hang on to each second of sobriety, ifnecessary.Only you can do the work, this is just one tool.
Free Zener Card ESP Test 1.5.0
Michael Tiffany
Are you clairvoyant? Do you possess extraordinary powers of ESP?Test and exercise your powers of Extrasensory Perception with thisintuitive and easy to use test. Match the hidden symbol byselecting one of five cards.
I Ching Oracle 1.3.1
Michael Tiffany
The complete wisdom of the I Ching at your fingertips, any time,any where.
What's Your ... Name 1.1.5
Michael Tiffany
An entertaining and sometimes crude name generator. Not for thefaint of heart!